How To Bake

Tuscany Tomato Bread for Sandwiches, with Meals, and for French Toast
Dennis WeaverNov 09, 2022
This is an fascinating bread. It's not shy at all.  You can make fabulous sandwiches with it. It's bold enough that you can load it with meats, spices, peppers, and cheeses. It's a magical bread. It's a great accompaniment to meals, especially continental food.  It's wonderful for dipping--either in a cheese sauce or olive oil. This is the bread that you want to explore the wonderful world of savory French toast. With savory French toast, it's no longer for breakfast only but it makes wonderful brunches, lunches, and dinners. This will change how you eat. We'll give you recipes to get you  started. Discover how exciting this bread can be.
The Last Harvest of Fall
Dennis WeaverNov 04, 2022
Look what you can make with Knobby Apple Bread Echoes from the Past When I...
How to Make Muffins with a Pancake Mix
Dennis WeaverNov 02, 2022
We have a tester, a good friend, who lives on an island off the coast...
How to Make Muffins in Minutes in the Microwave with a Pancake Mix
Dennis WeaverOct 25, 2022
When you simply don't have time for breakfast, grab a pancake mix, add water, and stir. Now nuke the cup for a couple minutes. Eat your muffin out of the cup with spoon on the way to work.   See, you did have time for breakfast.
How to Make Perfect Pancakes
Dennis WeaverOct 13, 2022
How to Make Perfect Pancakes Four simple steps to making pancakes for your family that...
How to Freeze Zucchini
Dennis WeaverSep 21, 2022
This article will tell you how to freeze your zucchini and then thaw it and bake with frozen zucchini. Your baking will be as good in the winter as it was in the summer.