How To Bake

South of the Border Bread Mixes: Fun, Cool Pigs in the Summer
Dennis WeaverJun 22, 2023
You’re missing some summer fun if you’re not baking on your grill. It’s not hard if you have a cover on your grill (although you can rig a large pan or bucket to place over the food and act as a cover). Some grills have a thermometer. Different grills bake differently. You just have to learn your grill.
Delicious Pancake
Nathan HawkesJun 15, 2023
These are very good pancakes. They are corn pancakes, made with ground corn. And they really are very, very good. "Had the Texas Corn pancakes for dinner last night. Lord love a duck they're good!"  Melanie
How to Make a Thin Crust Pizza in 15 Minutes
Dennis WeaverJun 14, 2023
  That’s faster than delivery! Once upon a time, we taught baking classes. One was...
Roasted Garlic Bread
Nathan HawkesJun 09, 2023
So, you want to turn that really good bread into garlic bread. And you want a quick easy way to do it.  Well, here you go.
How to Make Banana Bread French Toast
Dennis WeaverMay 27, 2023
Oh, this is so good! You just discovered how to make the most scrumptious French...
Fall continental divide
Dennis WeaverMay 16, 2023
It's amazing, all the ways customers use cinnamon chips—just check out the customer reviews.  And they keep finding new ways. They add them to their favorite  recipes. They experiment and find new ways.