How To Bake

Here's how to use cinnamon chips in your favorite recipes! (under construction) Add the following...

I grew up with fry bread. My mother made bread once a week. If we were around, not out in the fields working, she would set aside some of the dough for fry bread.
It was just bread dough, white homemade bread dough. She would let it rise until it was as puffy as her bread loaves before cooking it. If we weren't around, she might put some of the dough in the refrigerator to slow down the rise, hoping for an evening meal. Sometimes that was tricky, getting the timing right. It has to be completely risen to make fry bread
We didn't call it fry bread. For us, it was scones. It was a regional thing. In the Rocky Mountain states, fried bread dough was called scones. When I moved east, I was surprised to find scones ma

My mother was a bread maker in a country kitchen. The kitchen was big and square and green with a big south facing window wall through which streamed sunshine when the sun was low in the south.
The kitchen was the headquarters of that house. She raised six children in that kitchen, largely successful children.
White, puffy sandwich loaves were her staple. With six children, she made huge batches each week.
Country Farm White is my mother's bread. It too is fluffy and white. It's homemade.

How do you convince your friends that you know better chocolate?
First, you have to use better chocolate. We can help with that. We have the best chocolate you've ever tasted. We have three kinds and two sizes. You can toggle through your choices and see the difference. With these, you can make better chocolate treats.
Let's get started. First, let's look at some really good brownies and then build from there.