How to Make Your Cookies Last All Month

How to Make Your Cookies Last All Month

Dennis Weaver Dennis Weaver Aug 10, 2024

Gee, I love our customers. They have the best ideas. And they're generous enough to share them.

One of our customers, Angie, shared how she makes a cookie mix last a month--or longer. It works.

She mixes the dough according to package instructions. She makes the little dough balls like the package says. She sets aside a few for baking, to enjoy now..  

The rest, she places on a platter or baking sheet and sticks it in the freezer. She freezes those dough balls for later.

After they're frozen, she divides the dough balls into groups, maybe six to a group. So if the package makes 30 cookies, she has five or six groups. These she puts into zipper-type plastic bags and sticks them back in the freezer.

This is fun! You can have fresh cookies all month from one mix.

When you're ready to make more cookies, remove however many frozen cookies you like from the freezer and let them thaw. Bake them according to package instructions. Since you have less cookies on the sheet, they'll bake a little quicker. Set it for maybe a minute less. It's better to under-bake than to over-back them. Take one off the sheet and see if it's done.  A hot cookie should be gooey in the middle.

Angie explains that if she gets in a hurry and bakes them before the frozen dough is completely thawed, she adds another minute or two to the baking time. That works.

Thanks, Angie.

The beauty of this is that you can be strategic.  If you want to put a cookie in Johnny's lunch every day, bake five cookies on Sunday night. If the neighbors are gathering at your house this week, you can time the cookies to come out of the oven just before they get there. The cookies will be warm and gooey, perfect, and the house will be all warm and cozy.

And you don't have to make the same cookies each week.  Mix up several batches and keep them in the freezer.  Give Johnny chocolate chippers one week and snickerdoodles the next. 

Oh, when your husband finds out what you're doing, he'll want a cookie every day too.

You'll have a regular cookie shop going.

Recommended Cookie Mixes to Start With

peanut butter chocolate cookies




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