Kansas City Popcorn Emporium Gourmet Popping Corn 4 lb
Look how much more fun your popcorn could be!
- Perfect for candy popcorn
- The favorite of popcorn shops
- Pops pure white
- Fewer hulls and bigger kernels
Make perfect popcorn with our Kansas City Popcorn Emporium Gourmet Popping Corn. Whether you're making candy popcorn or buttered popcorn, this popping corn is the best!
Look at the fun popcorn you can make!
This is a really fun candy popcorn recipe--Bubba's Friday Night Root Beer Popcorn. But then, so is Abbie's Monstrously Good Apricot Popcorn.
What others say!
Pop bigger, fluffier popcorn.
You get four pounds of Kansas City Popcorn Emporium Gourmet Popping Corn.
If it's not better than any other brand, we'll give you your money back.
Just wish it came in a jug, resealable bags really tough on arthritic hands, so spilled some!
husband is very pleased….we use a air machine.
It pops up really good and tastes great. Perfect popcorn.
i ordered several things and they came in quickly....thank you
This is our favorite popcorn. The flavor is amazing. Suggest you try some soon.