Pioneer Valley

Pioneer Valley Gourmet Seedless Red Raspberry Jam

For our discerning customers, try seedless raspberry jam.

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seedless red raspberry jam

You don't come across seedless red raspberry jam often. It takes an avidly dedicated producer to make it.

Why go to all the trouble to take the seeds out? You've got to love jam.

The Pioneer Valley founder says it tastes different without the seeds, a different flavor. I'm not discerning enough to know. I just know that it's a very good jam.

If I were making a glaze for a cake or fillings for cookies, I would reach for the seedless jam.  If I'm putting it on my morning toast when I'm still bleary-eyed, I don't care. Still, it's nice to presume that I'm discerning.  But then, I'm a country boy.

If you're discerning and want the very best, go seedless.


Customer Questions

  • Why do you like Pioneer Valley so much? Because they make a better product and we trust them.
  • Even though they cost more? We think it's better, tastes better, spreads better.  Merri Ann says, "You get what you pay for." Most of the time, she's right.
  • What about the selection, is that important to you? Immensely. They make more rare and hard-to-find jams than anyone else.
  • Why is that important? Most of us are fortunate--we can eat for the experience and eat what we enjoy. That's important. We try to make it affordable.
  • What makes Pioneer Valley better? We think it's people, products, and processes. For example, the founder grew up in the orchards. They started growing their fruit. They understand fruit and strains and preservation. That's important, but more so, they care and take pride in what they do. 
  • What do you mean by "processes"?  Most of their fruit is frozen, fresh fruit frozen. They're not trying to make jam with over-ripe, soft fruit.  
  • What about the ingredients? It's made with fresh fruit and sugar--no corn syrup. Corn syrup is cheaper but masks the fruit flavor.
  • What about more "spreadable"? You get a nice even coat when you spread it on your toast, without lumps and not so soupy that it drips off the edge.  It's a different jam.

Dennis Weaver

How can you tell if you're getting a good jam? Look at the label. Is it made with cane sugar or corn syrup? Corn syrup is cheaper and easier to work with, but it masks the flavors of the fruit. If it's made with corn syrup, it's not as good.

All Pioneer Valley jams are made with authentic, pure cane sugar and all-natural pectin.

You'll find Pioneer Valley jam thick, rich, and flavorful and the perfect addition to your homemade breads and muffins. Each attractive hex glass jar contains eight ounces of premium jam.

Try this bright, tart seedless jam.

monte christo and other sandwiches made with seedless red raspberry jam

Raspberry Jam on Meat and Cheese Sandwiches

Making Monte Cristo Sandwiches and their cousins with raspberry jam.

My father taught me to put raspberry jam on everything.  His simple cheddar cheese sandwiches were slathered in raspberry jam. I had to admit, they were good.

The grilled cheese sandwiches above are made with cream cheese and raspberry jam.  

My father loved Monte Cristo sandwiches. They were popular after the great war and served in country diners, so I grew up with them. 

Monte Cristo sandwiches had three main ingredients: Ham. cheese, and raspberry jam.  They were either grilled or dipped in batter. I prefer the former, but you can see both at the link above.  In those country diners, they would often smear a layer of mustard. I could never get my head around raspberry jam and pungent mustard together, so I'll take the former.

Raspberry jam works on other sandwiches as well. Put jam on an after-Thanksgiving turkey sandwich or a ham and cheese sandwich, grilled or not.


—Featured Review—

Best jam ever! I use this jam in an old family jam cake recipe. One jar is the exact amount I need and it is delicious . . . and no seeds!!! Penny Nielsen

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Linda VanOrman

The Raspberry jam is excellent.

Patricia Green
So Yummy

This red raspberry seedless jam is so delicious it makes me want to whip up some Prepared Pantry sourdough bread and spread the jam on liberally. Goes great with peanut butter too! Highly recommended.

Penny Nielsen
Best jam ever

I use this jam in an old family jam cake recipe. One jar is the exact amount I need and it is delicious...and no seeds!!!

Marie Hood

Your products are outstanding. Wish you had sugarless and more seedless jellies.


Couldn't have made a better jam myself.Thank you for having this product available to go along with the rest of your amazing mixes.