How to Make Flavored Whipped Cream for Your Skillet Cobblers

How to Make Flavored Whipped Cream for Your Skillet Cobblers

Dennis Weaver Dennis Weaver

You don't have to add flavored whipped cream to skillet cobblers; ice creeam works fine. But it's a trick to know for your kitchen aresenal.

Meg, in one of our reviews, added Caramel Whipped Cream to her skillet cobbler. It's easy to do and easy to make other flavors.

Make it just like ordinary whipped cream but add caramel flavor instead of vanilla (two teaspoons to two cups heavy whipping cream) and brown sugar instead of white. The whipped cream is fabulous, much better than ordinary.

If you want it to hold up, not melt and get runny, add a tablespoon of meringue powder

Sometimes we add finely chopped, about 1/4 inch, pecan pieces. The contrast of the crunchy nuts against the soft, billowy whipped cream is sublime.

But you can use other flavors too.

Butter rum makes a fine whipped cream. So does a teaspoon of cinnamon. Add cinnamon whipped cream to your pumpkin pie.

Citrus flavors go great with many skillet cobblers, either orange or lemon. Add a little zest to either.

In our Skillet Cobbler recipe collection, you will find a coconut mango skillet cobbler.  Yes, we used a coconut whipped cream with meringue powder so the whipped cream holds its shape.

Check out our flavor collection for more inspiration.


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