Fancy Flavored Whipped Creams

Fancy Flavored Whipped Creams

Dennis Weaver Dennis Weaver

Nothing will do for your baking than fancy whipped creams. 

You'll be amazed with what you can make with specialty flavored whipped creams. This is just a peek--from fancy toppings to whipped cream desserts. You can top with them, fill with them, and frost with them. What you'll make will never be the same.

Here is a sampling of our favorites. Use them. Create your own. 

  • Strawberry whipped cream
  • Strawberry pineapple whipped cream
  • Caramel cheesecake whipped cream
  • French vanilla whipped cream
  • Lemon (and orange) cloud whipped cream
  • Caramel nut whipped cream
  • Salted peanut butter whipped cream
  • Chocolate whipped cream

Get started for less than $10.00!

All you really need to get started is a flavor. Choose from 40 flavors here. Most are less than $10.00. We recommend caramel flavor.  It's versatile and makes wonderful whipped cream.

whipped cream frosting

Orange cake with orange cloud whipping cream used as a frosting (with extra retarder). Orange cloud whipped cream is made with orange flavor and orange zest.

Things You Should Know  About Whipping Cream

Heavy Whipping Cream

Heavy whipping cream by law must contain at 36% milk fat. Regular whipping cream contains 30%. If you're using it for desserts or other whipped cream applications, use heavy whipping cream. It makes a difference.

How to use whipped cream for frosting

All of these whipped creams can be used as whipped cream frostings. Whipped cream frostings are amazingly good but they are best used the first day. 

The reason why they should be consumed right away is because they deflate, or melt, after whipping. They can be rewhipped but once in use, the end is near unless you are using meringue powder or another retarder.

How a meringue powder works

Meringue powder is a retarder slows the melting of the whipped cream.  Cream cheese will slow the melting but it's not the best retarder.  Both unflavored gelatin and meringue powder are popular. 

We use meringue powder in almost all applications. If we are using it in whipped cream that will be consumed within a couple hours, we use one tablespoon for two cups of whipping cream. We often use two tablespoons.  If we're making whipped cream frosting that must last through the day, we use four tablespoons per two cups of heavy whipping cream.



Strawberry Whipped Cream

 strawberry whipped cream on a fudge cake

This is a fudge cake topped with strawberry whipped cream

Before the pandemic, we had a little country store.  Since we were out in the country, we were a Saturday destination.  Since we handed out treats--whatever we were making--we were popular. Where else would you get free pancakes,, or cupcakes, or cookies?

Most of the treats were topped with specialty flavored whipped cream.  "What in the world did you put on top of that cupcake?" was a common query.


  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar or to taste
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • Strawberry jam or strawberry pastry filling



  1. Place the brown sugar and cream cheese in the bowl of your stand-type mixer. Beat until the sugar is creamed through the cream cheese into a soft, consistent mixture.
  2. Add the cream and flavor. Beat until soft peaks form.

Baker's notes:

  • The jam or pastry filling provides flavor and color to your whipped cream, according to your taste. The fruit filling should tint the whipped cream a beautiful pink. Taste it and add more if needed.
  • Since the jam or pastry filling adds more sweetness, you may not need 1/4-cup granulated sugar. Start with half that amount and add more if needed. 
  • Whip the cream until it is fully inflated. If you whip it too long, the cream will turn to butter but that takes a lot of whipping.  
  • This recipe uses cream cheese to help stabilize it. Meringue powder will also stabilize whipped cream and retard deflation. Still, whipped cream should be used the day it is whipped. It's luscious but it's fragile. 


Strawberry Whipped Cream on Cinnamon Chip Shortcakes

strawberry shortcakes

Strawberry Pineapple Whipped Cream

One Saturday, in our little country store, we were handing out filled cupcakes topped with various flavors of whipped cream. The store was full and there was lots of buzz.

Upstairs, in our test kitchen, we had a fresh, ripe pineapple that needed to be used. I laid it a cutting board and sliced and trimmed it. Using a chef's knife, I minced the pineapple into tiny pieces. Then, a batch at a time, I wrapped a paper towel around the pineapple, and wrung the juice from the pineapple until it was almost dry.

I dumped the pineapple into the pink strawberry whipped cream and folded it into the strawberry frosting. We put it on cupcakes and cookies. Folks loved it. 


Caramel Cheesecake Whipped Cream

 Caramel cheesecake whipped cream

We use caramel whipped cream more than we use vanilla whipped cream. It's luscious and just as easy to make. The cream cheese in this recipe acts as a stabilizer to retard melting.


  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2 teaspoons caramel flavor



  1. Place the brown sugar and cream cheese in the bowl of your stand-type mixer. Beat until the sugar is creamed through the cream cheese into a soft, consistent mixture.
  2. Add the cream and flavor. Beat until soft peaks form.


Depending on the application, we sometimes add another tablespoon of brown sugar to make it a frosting.  You can add that at the end of the whipping cycle to sweeten the whipped cream to taste.


Chocolate Whipped Cream 

milk chocolate whipped cream

This is milk chocolate whipped cream on banana pancakes. To make milk chocolate whipped cream, follow the recipe for chocolate whipped cream but use medium dark cocoa instead of dark cocoa.


This stuff is fabulous! Vanilla whipped cream is good. In the right applications, chocolate is better.

Learn more and see how to make chocolate whipped cream.  


Salted Peanut Butter Flavored Whipped Cream

cookie sandwich with whipped cream

Mixing peanut butter into a whipped cream makes a great flavor. It’s like a combination of a peanut butter cookie and  a whipped cream topping. It's a sweet, salty, and creamy combination. Try it on an ice cream sundae, a cake or on pancakes. Or add more retarder and make it into frosting.  And if you do that, sandwich it between two cookies.

  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup salted peanuts, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons meringue powder


  1. Whip the cream, sugar, and peanut butter together in your stand-type mixer with a whip attachment. 
  2. Continue beating until stiff peaks form.
  3. Fold in the salted chopped peanuts.

French Vanilla Whipped Cream (on a waffle)

French vanilla whipped cream on a waffle

The caramel sauce shown here is from one of our syrup mixes, If you cook it just a couple minutes longer, until the syrup turns a little darker, you will have a caramel sauce, this one is a fruity, orchard flavor.

Caramel Nut Whipped Cream

We use caramel whipped cream more than we use vanilla whipped cream. It's luscious and just as easy to make. The cream cheese in this recipe acts as a stabilizer to retard melting.

The contrasts between sweet and salty, soft and crunchy is divine.


  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2 teaspoons caramel flavor



  1. Place the brown sugar and cream cheese in the bowl of your stand-type mixer. Beat until the sugar is creamed through the cream cheese into a soft, consistent mixture.
  2. Add the cream and flavor. Beat until soft peaks form.


Depending on the application, we sometimes add another tablespoon of brown sugar to make it a frosting.  You can add that at the end of the whipping cycle to sweeten the whipped cream to taste.



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Comments (3)

  • Those all sound amazing! Can’t wait to give them a try!! Thanks for sharing the recipes!

  • Really interesting article! Very helpful as well. Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to try some of the recipes you included.

  • I miss visiting your store when we go to visit family in Idaho. They were the best treats and we loaded up with the ingredients ❤️

    Carol-Lynn Beck

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