Chocolate Rice Krispies

Chocolate Rice Krispies Treats

Nathan Hawkes Nathan Hawkes Feb 23, 2024

For more ideas for fancy treats, see these strawberry rice krispies treats.

Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats are easy and good. Simply add chocolate chips to the cereal mix. When you pour the the melted marshmallows over the cereal, the chocolate chips will melt and you have chocolate rice krispie treats.

If you prefer, you can make chocolate topped rice krispies treats. Just melt the chips and pour the melted chocolate over the pan of treats.

You can do the same with cinnamon chips.  Add cinnamon chips to the cereal and pour on the hot marshmallows and you'll cinnamon rice krispies treats.  

To put a chocolate drizzle on your treats, use a professional Chocolate Designer Sauce.

chocolate topped rice krispies treats

Peanut Butter Chocolate Rice Krispies Treats

This is simply Rice Krispies Treats with added peanut butter and chocolate. It is nearly as simple as the original recipe.


2 tablespoons butter
4 cups miniature marshmallows
1 cup peanut butter
6 cups Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal or equal
1 1/4 cup milk chocolate chips


Butter a 9 x 13-inch baking pan.

1. In a large pan on the stovetop, melt the butter over low heat. Add the marshmallows. Stir until the mixture is melted and smooth. Add the peanut butter and stir.
2. Add the rice cereal. Stir until the cereal is uniformly combined with the marshmallow mixture. Add the chocolate chips and continue stirring.
3. Remove the mixture to the buttered pan. Evenly distribute the mixture and press it down into the pan with buttered fingers, a piece of waxed paper, or a spatula. Let cool and cut into squares.


Baker’s notes: The chocolate chips will melt in the hot marshmallow mixture. Depending on how well you stir the mixture, you will have either a uniformly chocolate mixture or a marbled effect.

If you use a large enough pan, you can mix the treats right in the pan, not in a bowl. The hot pan makes it a little easier to stir the mixture together and there is less clean-up.

chocolate drizzle on rice krispie treats

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